Thursday, August 12, 2010


Solo is the old capital of Indonesia and very traditional. It is the batik capital and we saw how batik was made. We also visited other cottage industries such as Gamelon factory (traditional musical instrument), bakery, rice wine and Javanese shadow puppets. Most of the factories were in the countryside in old sheds, but it was amazing what the workers could make. I had a go at making banana bread.


  1. Hi Lambie
    Did you eat the banana bread?
    who is the man standing beside you? (in bottom pic)Are they bananna worms or bannanna bread?
    ps How are you?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Hello Again Liam

    Not only can you lift volcanic rock but you can make banana bread - is there no end to your talents! Solo is a place that nana would really like to see. Mum said that she bought some really nice batik there. Bet you & Alys enjoyed the Gamelon factory & the shadow puppets.
    Lots of love
    Nana & grandadxxxx

  3. Hi Lachie
    Of course I ate my banana bread! I wrapped the worms of dough around the banana. It was the best bread we've had as most of the bread here is too sweet. The man standing next to me is the baker!
    I am well. Hope you are too.

  4. Hi Nana and Grandad
    Solo was very traditional and interesting but still very busy with noisy traffic. This is the batik capital and Mum is wearing her sarong today. The Gamelon factory was amazing. It was very sooty and hot. The metal was made really hot by the fire and then about 5 or 6 men hammered it into shape. Instead of bang, bang, it sounded like din, din music. It takes a whole day to make one gamelon drum.
